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Brandy Gainor
Feb 23, 20214 min read
FREEDOM - Get Free. Stay Free. Set Others Free!
F R E E D O M--one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Galatians 5:1, "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do...

Brandy Gainor
Jan 29, 20213 min read
The Goodness of Discipline
LIFE IS PAIN. YOU GET TO CHOOSE: THE PAIN OF DISCIPLINE OR THE PAIN OF REGRET. I first heard this quote in 2017. The fall of 2017 is...

Brandy Gainor
Jan 15, 20215 min read
The Fruition of a Strong Calling
January 15, 2010 This date gets us every year!!! In 2010, when we arrived in South Asia to “call it home” indefinitely, it was such a...

Brandy Gainor
Jan 4, 20214 min read
All About Revelation Wellness 21 Day Sugarfast
"A Sugarfast? Why?" "I've already done a Sugarfast. How is this one different?" "I don't love sugar or eat it that much, so I don't...

Brandy Gainor
Dec 29, 20203 min read
Journey WITH Me in 2021
Looking forward at 2021 as it is just around the corner, there are a few things I'm excited about, and I would love to share them with...

Brandy Gainor
Oct 19, 20203 min read
Not Mastered By Anything
We have been given great freedom in Christ, but we are not to use that freedom to do whatever we want.

Brandy Gainor
Aug 10, 20204 min read
Fitness Teacher Gospel Preacher - Instructor Training
When I first considered becoming a Revelation Wellness Instructor, I was scared out of my mind, mainly because I wondered what in the...

Brandy Gainor
May 28, 20206 min read
The Gift of Biographies
A few weeks ago, during our sheltering in place mandate, I was talking with one of my kids about some of the hardships and losses that...

Brandy Gainor
May 19, 20201 min read
Way Maker - Stretching & Worship
Last week I was able to discuss Spiritual and Physical Wellness with ladies from my church. At the end of our time together, we gently...

Brandy Gainor
May 14, 20204 min read
Studying the Book of Revelation
The kids and I started studying the book of Revelation this past Monday. About a month ago, as the kids and I were coming up on finishing...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 30, 202010 min read
The Power of Fire
Our neighbor's apartment was destroyed by fire a little over a year ago. We lived on the 5th floor in #504, and her flat/apartment was...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 14, 20204 min read
Seen and Unseen
I have been thinking about the values of seen and unseen for quite a long time now, but in the last few weeks, the "seen and unseen" has...

Brandy Gainor
Mar 23, 20204 min read
Praying for the World - COVID 19
Normally, our family prays for a people group or country each week in the morning after breakfast. BUT, this week, I have decided to lead...

Brandy Gainor
Feb 12, 20205 min read
Lean into the Tension
Our family moved to India January 2010, and my heart was bursting to share the love of God and Gospel with some incredible people for...

Brandy Gainor
Jan 30, 20203 min read
Blessing and Fruit of Nightmares
Earlier this week, the Lord randomly brought to mind a specific blessing and habit that has become part of our family life that came out...

Brandy Gainor
Dec 19, 20195 min read
Numbering our Days for 2020
Being Intentional about Your Days Psalm 90:12, 14, 16-17, "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us...

Brandy Gainor
Jul 23, 20193 min read
Urgency of Temporary Assignments
Knowing you only have a little time left, we usually get more intentional with how we spend our time, days, activities. We naturally...

Brandy Gainor
Jul 16, 20195 min read
Dependency--Crucible of Faith
One of the greatest gifts living in India has given me is to learn a way of life of dependency. We all should be living and depending on...

Brandy Gainor
Jul 1, 20193 min read
A big obedient leap of faith!
For more than a year and a half, I have felt the Lord nudging me to get back online and share life with others--lessons, resources, and...

Brandy Gainor
May 6, 20192 min read
Do Not Shrink Back!
Hebrews 10:35-38 "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 23, 20192 min read
Do You Binge Pray?
We all know what binge eating is--when you eat and eat and eat so much it is called a binge. Typically, when people binge eat, they...

Brandy Gainor
Feb 25, 20193 min read
Jeremiah 9:23-24, "Thus says the Lord, "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the...

Brandy Gainor
Jan 5, 20192 min read
Staying Free in 2019
Here are the verses I am declaring in 2019. I have this framed above my kitchen sink where I will see it pretty much every single day. I...
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