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Brandy Gainor
Jan 15, 20215 min read
The Fruition of a Strong Calling
January 15, 2010 This date gets us every year!!! In 2010, when we arrived in South Asia to “call it home” indefinitely, it was such a...

Brandy Gainor
Sep 10, 20203 min read
Don't Tell Me What You Can't Do. Tell Me What You CAN Do!
There is a commercial from a local car dealer where we live. We don't watch much TV, but You do not have to see this commercial many...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 30, 202010 min read
The Power of Fire
Our neighbor's apartment was destroyed by fire a little over a year ago. We lived on the 5th floor in #504, and her flat/apartment was...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 17, 20204 min read
Kids' Workout - "PE" / OT
My kids joined me for a workout video, and we hope that you enjoy it and move with us! I'm still talking about the Seen and Unseen (see...

Brandy Gainor
Feb 12, 20205 min read
Lean into the Tension
Our family moved to India January 2010, and my heart was bursting to share the love of God and Gospel with some incredible people for...

Brandy Gainor
Dec 5, 20196 min read
Sleepovers With Mom
My husband travels a good bit. And, one of the ways I work to redeem this reality in our life is to have sleepovers with my kids while...

Brandy Gainor
Sep 17, 20193 min read
What's the Big Deal About Crate Arrival?
Today is a big day for me and my family! All of our belongings from India arrive in a big container, and we will actually have everything...

Brandy Gainor
Aug 13, 20194 min read
Love Your Expat Grandkids Well-- Seek and Find Book For Your Home
My in-laws are very good and creative at loving their expat grandchildren (and their other 6 grandchildren that live in the US) well. ...

Brandy Gainor
Jul 23, 20193 min read
Urgency of Temporary Assignments
Knowing you only have a little time left, we usually get more intentional with how we spend our time, days, activities. We naturally...

Brandy Gainor
Jul 16, 20195 min read
Dependency--Crucible of Faith
One of the greatest gifts living in India has given me is to learn a way of life of dependency. We all should be living and depending on...

Brandy Gainor
Jun 11, 20193 min read
I will miss the Perspective Poverty Provides!
Our family is leaving India, the place we have called home for almost 10 years. We have struggled continually with seeing poverty,...

Brandy Gainor
Apr 9, 20194 min read
Wellness for Expats
I am especially passionate about helping expat women figure out how to be healthy and well as they live in a place that is not home, not...
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