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I am a child of God, His servant, living unto Him and for Him.


I am married to a wonderful man that loves and serves others better than anyone I know.  We are complete opposites of each other, but we believe we are a dynamic team together.  We are best friends.  He makes me laugh more than anyone else.  He is one of the reason I have chosen to do hard things.


I am blessed with 5 amazing kids, and I often cannot believe I am their mom.  It is my privilege to teach and shepherd their hearts.  I tell them all the time that it is the best "job" I have ever had, and I mean that with everything in me.


I live overseas, and love this amazing calling on my life.  It is a journey that I absolutely could not do without the leading, affirmation, and sustainment of the Lord.  I am humbled at our job and so very thankful that I get paid to do the very thing I think is the Lord's command and purpose for our lives.


I have wanted to be a counselor for more than 20 years, and that journey began when I studied Psychology at Clemson (GO Tigers!).  Though this pursuit was put on hold for quite a while, that desire has always remained, and I am loving being back to actively pursuing this as I am in graduate school and pursuing licensure.  I especially hope I will be able to counsel expat women and encourage others in their pursuit of wellness.


I love all things fitness and being active.  I am a certified Revelation Wellness® Instructor, Personal Trainer (ACE), and Group Fitness Instructor. (ACE)  I love helping others along in their fitness and wellness journey, and I have been so surprised at how fun group fitness is!



Here are a few other random things about me that are just for fun:


I am an extrovert and I LOVE people.  I am energized by hanging out--always have been.  


I am NOT a morning person, but I love to wake up really early.  Here me out.  I think I love waking up really early because I am NOT a morning person.  I am the grouchiest thing in the world if I wake up to people talking to me, asking me to do things (hello, I have 5 kids that want to eat and talk and are loud and moving from the time they wake up),  or I have to start off in high gear.  I love my quiet mornings, and it helps me get with the Lord and hear from Him, think through priorities for each day, and approach the day on the offense instead of being defensive, fighting all the things that come at me all day long.


I love coffee so much.  I am reasonable in my consumption because of the effects it has, but man, if it weren't for those effects, I'd drink the stuff all day long.  But, let's be honest, if it weren't for the effects, I probably wouldn't love it as much.


I was a cheerleader in high school.  I sometimes feel silly about that because there is a ditsy, flaky stigma that comes with it (sorry, but you know it's true).  Recently, however, I've discovered that I really do love cheering people on in life.  I will believe in you and find the gold and good within you and cheer you on and beg you to see what I see, especially what the Lord sees, and what your potential is.  It is one of my favorite things to do--cheer others on!  So, I now proudly claim the identity of cheerleader!


I love nature.  I worship the Lord in nature.  I find beauty and the Lord in it everywhere.  I especially love the moon and stars, and I want so badly to see the aurora borealis!

I also love peanut butter.  I love a good peanut butter lollypop!  Just grab a spoon or fork or knife or your finger and eat the peanut butter like a lollypop!  And, I have passed this love on to my kids!


And my dog.  I love my dog.  She is so funny, faithful, and I tell her all the time, "she's the best dog in the whole world (even though she sheds and her hair is everywhere and pees every time we have a guest and is the hardest dog to take on a walk)."


Brandy Gainor and Fitness for the Field strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before starting any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in these exercises. Brandy Gainor and Fitness for the Field are not licensed medical care providers and represent that we have no expertise in diagnosing, examining or treating medical conditions of any kind or in determining the effect of any specific exercises on a medical condition. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Brandy Gainor and Fitness for the Field from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Brandy Gainor’s and Fitness for the Field's negligence.

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